Saturday, March 26, 2011

Cupcake outlasts Haha...

First to hell with this Brenda person!  I'm HAVING MY 'effin coffee today!

hang on...

Ok, as the caffeine and sugar  and nice Chai Latte cream run through my veins the calmness takes over.  Niceeeeeeeeeeeeeee... what could be better than this?

Well, I will 'effin tell you! A
Yes, a nice, moist, delicious cupcake from my favorite gluten free bakery.  It was two weeks ago today that I realized that almost 10 of these little delicious mounds of glory were left over from the hubs bday party and  would be accompanying me home.

So, going back and reading previous posts to catch up on any comments I read the one with the topic of how long would haha last.  Well, just letting my favorites dueling beootchhes know that the 'effin CUPCAKE WILL ALWAYS OUTLAST a mere haha!

Disclaimer: The author of this post would like to express her confusion at the exact point of this post except for the mere reason she wanted to say the word CUPCAKE since according to some mysterious Brenda bitch she is not allowed to eat such mentioned cupcakes!  Even though the author thinks that this mysterious Brenda bitch is sitting in some hidden corner eating some sort of sugar filled cupcake or maybe she is eating PEARS!

1 comment:

  1. You can have coffee on Brenda diet...just nothing in it. It's how I learned to love my coffee black as night...or my soul, whichever you choose.
