Thursday, March 24, 2011

Down 2 Ounces, Bitches!

Nice title, huh?  If that doesn't scare nice people off I don't know what will....Cupcakes.  I really am down just 2 ounces.  I think I am at 4.4 now for 2 days total and on my 3rd day of conditioning.  I will report what my cupcake brings tomorrow after a full 3 days on Dietitian diet.  You wanted the scoop, Jonesie...You got it, Cupcake! : )

All the vegetables and meat you want.
Excluding: pork, corn and anything pickled.  Like...pickles, or sourkraut.  Too much sodium.

5-7 pcs of fresh/fresh frozen fruits a day for 4 days. 


These are used for plateau breakers because of the higher amount of sugar (albeit natural). 
However on my tweekiness to make it more like Weight Watchers I am eating a banana a day and grapes like they are angel poop from heaven above!  Love them and it makes me feel defiant towards Brenda and her stupid diet with every little burst in my mouth...that's the only bursting in my mouth, I'm married, remember. 

You get 1 Potato a day up to 8 oz.  And all the lowfat or nonfat cottage cheese you want. 

Once again, to throw a little screw you Brenda in there, I eat anywhere from 1 tsp to 1 tbslp of Peanut Butter with my Banana (making it doubly sinful) and I eat string cheese like my life is actually hanging by each tiny thread of stringy goodness.  Another "eff you" to Brenda, God love 'er...that's God Love Her...not, God Lover...though she does love God...


So that is basically the gist of it.  You need 2 tsp of oil a day ("You gotta eat fat to burn fat Elle!"...thanks, I know!) but never cook it because that is what turns it into saturated fat...blah, blah, blah! 

Should you have any questions or concerns take it up with someone who isn't bitter and jaded about the diet and being fat!...Good luck! : )

Oh yeah, and NO's that for sadistic b*tch!...Emily "eff you's" Brenda on that one every night, huh Em? ; )  Have fun and remember...nothing tastes as good as being thin...except a cupcake!


  1. You bend the rules with string cheese and peanut butter. I bend the rules with wine and vodka. You say tom-a (ay)- to, I say to-mat-O!

  2. Well, I will post more later but I want something for my cupcake bitch to read when you wake up Elles Belles! LOL

    Curse you and your damn Brenda diet! NO PEARS??? Are you serious???? LOL

  3. I hate pears. I could live a lifetime without ever seeing, smelling or hearing a pear.

  4. What the hell is wrong with pears? And NO! I will NOT stop eating them!

    No alcohol? Well, normally that's not a biggie to me but yanno? Ef that! I just wanted to say that!

    Oh! And 2 ounces? That just means you pissed before you got on the scale! LOL
