Saturday, March 19, 2011

How many calories does a concert burn?

Well, I can't answer that for sure but I can tell you that at a Bon Jovi concert I burned more calories in those 2 hours than I have in any one given time in the last 2 years!  WOW!  What a night!  Dancing, jumping, singing, dancing, jumping, rocking, did I say dancing???  LOL

OMG!  I have decided if I could attend at least one concert per week then I would be GREAT on losing weight.  Unfortunately, I don't think my budget would hold up too well!

Oh well!  To live in the moment of Thursday night again!  Bye Bye you demon cupcakes! (Haha!  There I said that word again!)  Your fat can't sit on this ass! 

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Jon Bon Jovi!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. Nice. I like the "your fat can't sit on this ass." Perfect. I'm going to say that all day now. To everyone I know. Even Frederick (my 9 yr son.) He'll be all, "Mom, what's for lunch?" and I'll be like, "your fat can't sit on this ass!" I can't wait!

  2. Emily, be jealous girl Be very jealous!

    Jon was soooooo hot!

    Elles Belles, you can steal it baby! I live to give you phrases you can steal!

