Friday, April 8, 2011

Can I get a whoop whoop?

Huh? Can I? Wellllllllllllll????

Oh, I need to tell you why I am requesting such a demanding thing huh? You mean beootcccheess!~

Ok, fine. Instead of grabbing for a huge bag of salty, crunchy chips I grabbed a bowl of cut up cantaloupe this morning. I ate 1/2 of it but at least it wasn't chips, or chocolate or cupcakes or some other taboo item of sinfulness.

While I love cantaloupe somehow eating it INSTEAD of a sinful pleasure such as chips kind of took away the joy. Oh well. I'm full now and not of salt!

So, now back to the point of this post. Can I get a whoop whoop?



  1. Whoop Whoop!!! Good job! Many pats of the back!!! I wish I could say I made as many good's been a tough weekend. *sigh*

  2. *Fist Pump* WhooooP! I'm proud of you! I am getting my butt back in gear today! It's gonna be rough, but it's got to happen. No one is going to do it for me. I'm worth the hard work, damn it! : )
